About Us
The Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) has been operating in the United Kingdom since 1988 pursuant to specific licences granted by the Financial Services Authority in the UK.
With the restructuring of JNBS as The Jamaica National Group and the launch of JN Bank on February 1, 2017, the UK Representative Office facilitates access to JN Group services, including the opening of new JN Bank accounts; loans to purchase properties in Jamaica; transfer of UK pensions and transaction requests for JN accounts.
We wish to reassure our existing members of JN with accounts in Jamaica that whilst we are restructuring and improving our customer service operations globally, we are still here to serve you.
Our customer service team is available to help you via telephone, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Alternatively, you can use our online banking services at www.jnbslive.com to access your existing JN account.
Contact Us
For queries relating to your account in Jamaica, please call any of the following numbers:
Customer Service Telephone numbers:
- 0800 328 0387
- 0207 708 2442
- 0207 708 2443
- 0207 708 6636
Or you can email us at: ukrepoffice@janouk.com