Tips to Manage Your Mental Health
Amid pay cuts, layoffs and even job cuts, many people around the world, and here in Jamaica, have been mentally strained by the effects of COVID-19- the fear generated from over consumption of news about the disease; and the isolation and even frustration wrought by restrictions on movement to stem the spread of the disease.
Guest in the JN Circle Thrive Life Class series, well-known psychiatrist, Dr Wendel Abel, recently shared some tips on how people can cope during this stressful period.
- Prevent burn out! Several people adjusting to the new work from home norm, have found themselves not necessarily working lighter, but harder, as they juggle various responsibilities. Many who are parents, for example, are not only working, but also supervising or even helping with the schooling their children, who are also at home, while looking after the rest of the household. Therefore, it’s important for persons to prevent burn.
- Take time for positive affirmation– Affirm yourself daily:
- These are difficult times…
- I can’t do everything perfectly…
- I am doing my best…
Avoid catastrophic thinking and remind yourself that ‘We are all in this together and we will get through this together.’
- Develop a structure– Try as best as possible to develop a structure in your new mode of operation. Develop a routine for work from home, for example, and, if there are children at home, develop a structure for them too, and maintain it to help you with adjusting.
- Self-care
- Get adequate sleep
- Stay active by exercising
- Maintain a balanced diet
- Get support– Even though we are encouraged to maintain physical distance, we don’t have to be isolated:
- Stay in touch with family, friends, your church, service clubs; or any special groups in which you participate
- If you need help, reach out. There are several resources available online that can help from the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and several other organisations
- Stay Calm Amid the Chaos– During this period, you may experience various emotions and it’s important that we come to terms with them by:
- Naming our emotions
- Claiming our feelings
- Taming our emotions
If we don’t manage our emotions, then you may lash out.
- Survive Please!