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Photo Caption: Dave Hanson, Manager, Mobile Banking Sales, JN Bank addressing police rank and file during the Jamaica Police Federation (JPF) Annual Conference held at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa, St James. He urged the JPF and wider constabulary force to be resolute about adapting and evolving, so that they can serve effectively.

St James native and manager at JN Bank, Dave Hanson, has encouraged the police to be resolute about adapting and evolving, so that they can serve effectively.

Addressing the Jamaica Constabulary Forceโ€™s rank and file during the recently held Jamaica Police Federation (JPF) Annual Conference held at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa, Mr Hanson said for the police body to maintain its relevance and impact on society it must change, but he urged the law enforcers to remain centred on their purpose as they adapt.

โ€œThis is how we will preserve respect so we can lead effectively and restore or maintain order,โ€ he cautioned the hundreds gathered in the hotel ballroom on day one of the conference. His message to the lawmen was in line with their theme for the conference, โ€˜Renewal with Resolution and Restorationโ€™.

โ€œOver your 157 years as an organisation, the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and all its men and women, have been demonstrating that it is very aware of this understanding,โ€ he affirmed. โ€œYou have been changing with the times, adapting to and using the technology, and adjusting your methods and modus operandi, as our way of life in Jamaica changes.โ€

He continued: โ€œThe journey has not been a perfect one for the JCF, but, as reflected in your theme this year, it is clear to me that you remain resolute about strengthening your institution so that you can enforce the law equitably and maintain a peaceful and orderly society.โ€

Referencing the journey of The Jamaica National Group, which is celebrating 150 years as an organisation in August 2024, Mr Hanson underscored that change requires continuous reflection and deliberate focus on purpose, and he invited the JCF to, like JN, be intentional about the process.

โ€œIn this ever-changing world and society, like you, we (the JN Group) have had to constantly renew so that we can continue to serve the Jamaican people authentically. And, we are on that journey again as we get to 150, under the theme, โ€˜JN 150โ€ฆForward Togetherโ€™, because while the past keeps us centred, we must maintain a high level of dynamism to serve our members optimally,โ€ he revealed.

He noted that like the JCF, the JN Group sees technology adaptation as integral to the future and has been digitalising key processes to improve experiences for its members and broaden financial inclusion. In line with that thought, he revealed that the company has been gradually introducing its game-changing platform, the ONE JN Passport, which will ease and significantly quicken access to financial services across the entire JN Financial Group. The ONE JN Passport, which is now available as an app in the App Store and Google Play Store, as well as via a mobile site at, currently allows anyone in Jamaica to open regular savings accounts in any major foreign currency and access unsecured loans.

โ€œโ€ฆand if you qualify (for the loan), the loan proceeds will be deposited to your account in record time,โ€ Mr Hanson detailed.

Although speaking to the JCF as a collective body, Mr Hanson also underscored the importance of each individual cop achieving personal fulfillment, so that they will be able to support the overall success of the constabulary. He encouraged each lawman and woman to take personal time to address their individual needs, health and financial wellness, outlining various financial decisions JN can support them with, including investment opportunities, homeownership, while noting that the organisation also provides financial education to build individual capacity to make sound financial decisions.

โ€œMake the necessary adjustments, so that you can also achieve personal fulfillment, because the truth is, if you are each unhappy and unfulfilled, as a body, you will be incapable of delivering on your collective purpose,โ€ he opined.

โ€œBe intentional about this process of renewal as you manage the nationโ€™s security and your personal and family lives, and I promise you, your impact will be deep and far reaching for it.โ€

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